今年首三季 柬埔寨農產品出口增長了88% 📈
🇰🇭 柬埔寨農林漁業部部長Veng Sakhon宣佈,柬埔寨今年首三季的農產品出口量高達593萬噸,相比去年的同期高出88%。柬埔寨出口的農產品包括香米、芒果、胡椒、腰果等等,其產品出口至68個國家,收益達至34.9億美元。而中國仍然是柬埔寨香米的最大入口國,今年首三季就已購入超過20萬噸香米,佔柬埔寨香米的總出口一半,比去年增加18%。👨‍🌾💰
Cambodia’s agricultural exports increased by 88% in the first three quarters of this year 📈
🇰🇭 Cambodian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon announced that Cambodia’s agricultural exports in the first three quarters of this year reached 5.93 million tons, 88% higher than the same period last year. Cambodia’s exports of agricultural products include jasmine rice, mango, peppers, cashews, etc. Its products are exported to 68 countries, with a revenue of 3.49 billion U.S. dollars. China is still the largest importer of Cambodian jasmine rice. In the first three quarters of this year, it has purchased more than 200,000 tons of jasmine rice, accounting for half of Cambodia’s rice exports, an increase of 18% over last year.