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6月16日 柬家園計畫簽約儀式圓滿成功,這也意味著柬埔寨王國將走向另一個黃金時代👑
十年黃金簽證📖 工作證🪪 公司註冊🏢 銀行開戶💵
醫療保險⛑ 駕照🚗 信託帳號💰
🎊Cambodia My Second Home Scheme Ceremony was a complete success🎊
On June 16, the signing ceremony of the Ministry of Interior was a complete success, which also means that the Kingdom of Cambodia will now enter another golden age👑
The investment immigration program is led by the Cambodian government✈️
Ten Years Golden Visa 📖 Work Permit 🪪 Company Registration 🏢 Bank Account Opening 💵
Medical Insurance ⛑ Driver’s License 🚗 Trust Account 💰
Comprehensive service support for legal, taxation, education and property management
Contains real estate projects recognized by the Cambodian government 🏠
Ten-year membership of Cambodia Home Charity Association (with official resources by the Ministry of the Interior)
🥇 The only way to legally apply for a Cambodian passport
For more details, please do not hestitate and contact us at once

[盛泰国际快讯 – 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐年4月/ 5月]

1️⃣ 活动焦点📌 推动国家时尚产业的发展:将马六甲塑为下一个米兰

2️⃣ 盛泰说📌 Straits Designers Gallery 马来西亚文化服饰

3️⃣ 大马视界📌 自4月1日重开边境25万人次入境大马📌 2021年全球繁荣指数:大马稳守东南亚第2

4️⃣ 盛泰游戏站📌 STI VIP STORE 小游戏赢取独家礼券!

5️⃣ [一帆风顺]工程进展📌 5月份工程进展

2022年柬埔寨FIA賽車 GCC盃賽

2022年柬埔寨FIA賽車 GCC盃賽第一回合已經完滿結束😊 感謝柬埔寨內政部及賽車聯會FIA邀請GCC x Nineswing成為唯一服裝贊助商, 深感榮幸。🙇‍♂️亦都多謝咁多位參加既人士同埋恭喜哂所有的獲獎者😊 你們的支持就是最大的動力🤩 我地第二回合再見👍The Cambodia FIA Racing- GCC cup First round has been successfully concluded. We appreciate the invitation by the Ministry of Interior to GCC x Nineswing to be the sole sponsor for all clothings. We congratulate all the participations and to all prize winners ! 😊😊 All support is much appreciated, your support is our biggest motivation 🥰 Looking forward to seeing you all in the second round ! 💨

Dirgahayu Tuanku. Daulat Tuanku

Merafak sembah setinggi-tinggi tahniah Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Seri Paduka Baginda Yang di-Pertuan Agong Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri’ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah Ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta’in Billah bersempena Sambutan Ulang Tahun Hari Keputeraan Rasmi Kebawah Duli Yang Maha Mulia Tuanku.
Sembah Takzim daripada Pengerusi dan Ahli Sheng Tai International.

【GC烏亞西巿場近況 】

喺上次一月公佈Wet Market 售罄嘅好消息後,又有好消息話比大家聽🎉
GC烏西亞市場既第一輪銷售反應熱烈,全球總共售出1000套啦! 🎉🎉多謝大家嘅支持 😊
大家期待左好耐嘅第二輪銷售正式開始 ! 數量有限,有興趣嘅客户請迅速與我們分銷商或客户經理查詢啦 🤩🤩
GCO 烏亞西市場知多點🇰🇭:
1️⃣ 將於2024年加入金邊市集名單,成為金邊最新嘅打卡熱點 !
2️⃣ GC烏西亞市場同其他景點距離好近,金邊皇宮都只係需要20分鐘嘅車程
3️⃣ 市場由6層樓組成,雜貨、金銀飾品、服節、紀念品、電子產品、電器等分別分佈在不同樓層 應有盡有 !
如果想無所事事就可以有 #被動收入 !GC烏亞西巿場係你嘅不二之選 #話唔定可以早過腦細退休 😉 #小編要同同事夾定利是錢 💰💰

恭賀 “柬埔寨華商總會” 在柬埔寨成立慶典 🥳

是次活動在【首都·國金Urban Village】創意園區舉辦 👏🏼 鳴謝榮譽創會主席 Ben & Catherine、諾羅頓王子王妃、洪森總理的專家顧問、領事、公爵的支持,出席者超過百人,也得到當地傳媒高度關注 🤩
香港會員親臨體驗柬埔寨商機處處 👍🏼 經濟圈不斷流動,是發展的好時機 👏🏼

The Sail Site Progress: May 2022 🎯

✨ The Sail Melaka ✨
An aspirational infrastructure project, The Sail is a concept developed by Sheng Tai International – a multinational development, real estate, investment management, property tourism and hospitality company with the vision to fully capitalize on the One Belt One Road ambition.
The Sail At A Glance:

  • 9 impressive sail-shaped towers
  • Condotels, hotels, business suites and retail
  • Luxury shopping mall
  • Moon-shaped rooftop theatre
  • Longest rooftop pool in Malaysia
  • Built by Asia’s most prestigious infrastructure companies
  • Features Jonker 2 Cultural Square
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