分類: 地產要聞 (Page 15 of 19)


🌐OPL海外物業總代理【THE SAIL MELAKA ⛵一帆風順海灣3️⃣號(BAY 3) -豪華住宅戶型】
THE SAIL MELAKA 一帆風順,馬六甲地標式綜合豪華發展項目,毗鄰馬六甲印象城及M Wez 濱海區經濟走廊。
而一帆風順設有 1️⃣6️⃣0️⃣萬平方呎大型高級🛍🛒商場、豪華🛋酒店、🛏住宅、🏢辦公大樓綜合項目 ❗

馬六甲首個史上時裝表演𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚

馬六甲首個史上時裝表演𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚
👑盛泰國際在Bill Keith和當地時尚界的支持下,在馬六甲AMES酒店成功舉辦了Met Gala 2021。
✅ 來賓簽名
✅ Dato’ Leong Sir Ley 和 Bill Keith 開場致辭
✅ 開幕式
✅ 模特走秀
✅ Poova 的歌唱表演
✅ 頒獎典禮
💎 Dato’ Leong Sir Ley(盛泰國際創始人兼董事長)
💎 Bill Keith(國際馬來西亞時裝設計師)
💎 BettyAnne Brohier (前馬來西亞小姐 1984)
💎 Poova (馬來西亞歌手)
💎 拿督斯里教授 Mike Chan (European Wellness Group 聯合創始人)
💎 Vincent Wan 先生(IA International Assistance 的首席執行官)

【2022年最火賀歲單曲 強勢引爆】

【2022年最火賀歲單曲 強勢引爆】
繼2021年🐮【家家和睦 笑MOO MOO】,2022年🐯盛泰國際也精心獨創了虎年賀歲單曲:【虎IS THE BEST 之 虎虎生威過肥年】!
敬請期待【2022年最火賀歲單曲:虎IS THE BEST 之 虎虎生威過肥年】的首播🎉
請留守盛泰國際面子書,更多好康驚喜等著您!記得不要走寶啊‼ ️‼ ️‼ ️

𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐚 (𝐌𝐆𝐌) 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏│Highlight Photos (4)

𝐌𝐞𝐭 𝐆𝐚𝐥𝐚 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐚 (𝐌𝐆𝐌) 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟏│Highlight Photos (4)
👑 Sheng Tai International has successfully organised Met Gala Malaysia 2021 together with the support of Bill Keith and the local fashion industry in AMES Hotel, Melaka.
Introducing unique collections designed with the perfect combination of talent and art from our local designers.


感謝超過2000人🤩 的來賓,確立【首都·國金】創意園是當地最紅的打卡點!🥳
請繼續關注我們 2022 年更多的盛大活動!


GC Orussey Market has received great repercussions during the pre-sale period🎉. GCC has decided to temporarily suspend any sale activities of such project in overseas on December 22nd onwards. Several exciting announcements will be published at a later time.🤩🥳 If you have any questions about the above arrangement, please kindly contact your responsible account manager for further information.


GCC金柬世紀首席財務總監林濠斌先生獲「香港生產力促進局」邀請出席 “Professional Forum” 並作為演講嘉賓分享,介紹東南亞新興國家 — 柬埔寨投資現況、營商環境及市場發展方向。當日活動現場反應熱烈,香港中小企業對東南亞新興市場的經濟前景及發展潛力深感興趣。
香港生產力促進局旗下的 “InnoPreneur Network”「知創企業家網絡」為各中小及初創企業建立網絡平台,互相交流經驗及創業理念。GCC金柬世紀作為一間港資企業,致力在東南亞國家發展,同時亦是「GCA柬埔寨大灣區總商會」的代表,深感榮幸能向各香港企業介紹東南亞市場,發掘更多投資及創業機會。在未來日子,我們GCC金柬世紀亦會繼續推廣柬埔寨市場,並向感興趣的投資者提供支援,希望能協助更多香港企業在柬埔寨成功發展。
“GCC was invited by government to attend the Public Forum”
Mr. Zeus Lam (CFO, Golden Cambodia Century) was invited by HKPC Academy as a keynote speaker at the “Professional Forum”, sharing Cambodia’s investment environment and market development. The forum attracted great repercussions of HKSMEs to the ASEAN market development and potential.
“InnoPreneur Network” by HKPC aims to provide the platform for SMEs to exchange their experiences and ideologies. GCC as a Hong Kong enterprise and representative of GCA, well developed in ASEAN market. It was our honor to introduce the ASEAN market to Hong Kong elites to explore more business and investment opportunities. GCC will continue to promote the Kingdom of Cambodia, and provide help to Hong Kong investors in developing in the Cambodia market.

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